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Dr. Avivit Peer

Dr. Avivit Peer
Attending Physician, Genitourinary Department.

Dr. Avivit Peer is an Attending Oncologist in the Genitourinary Clinic and Director of Clinical Trials in Oncology at Rambam Health Care Campus.
Dr. Peer graduated from the Rappaport Faculty of Medicine of the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, and completed her residency in clinical oncology at Rambam. She trained in early phase clinical trials in France and in genitourinary malignancies in the US.

As Director of Clinical Trials in Oncology, Dr. Peer is leading a growing enterprise of clinical research, including early phase studies. She is a clinical lecturer in oncology at the Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, and her main research interests are focused on long-term complications of cancer treatment. Dr. Peer is a member of the Israeli Oncology and Radiotherapy Society, and the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

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