About Rambam Hospital in Israel
Rambam Hospital, founded in 1938, is the largest multidisciplinary treatment and diagnostic center in the northern region of Israel.
The medical center is named in honor of Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon, an outstanding Jewish philosopher, doctor, and scholar of the Middle Ages.
Rambam Medical Center is a state medical institution housing 36 hospitalization departments, 45 medical and diagnostic units, 10 institutes, and 6 laboratories.
The Rambam Medical Center employs a total of 4,000 employees, 715 doctors, and 1,407 nurses.
About 75,000 patients undergo inpatient treatment annually, and more than 500,000 patients are on outpatient supervision by specialists from various institutions and clinics.
The Ruth Rappaport multidisciplinary children's medical center at Rambam Hospital provides medical services in all fields of pediatric medicine.