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Dr. Valerya Semenisty, MD

Dr. Valerya Semenisty
Dr. Valerya Semenisty
Attending Physician, Oncology Section

Specialization: Dr. Semenisty is an Attending Physician who specializes in clinical oncology at Rambam Healthcare Clinic’s Oncology Section.

Education: In 1997, Dr. Semenisty received her medical degree from Lugansk State Medical University, Ukraine. She then completed her residency in General Pediatrics and Pediatric Heart Disease at Regional Hospital, Kiev, Ukraine. After finishing an additional oncology residency at Rambam in 2012, Dr. Semenisty went on to pass her Israeli board examination in Clinical Oncology with Honors.

Research and Academic Activities: Dr. Semenisty is a member of the professional organizations IMA, ISCORT, and ASCO.

Social Activity: Dr. Semenisty has worked as an oncology tutor for fifth and sixth year medical students since 2011. She has also been involved in the Technion American Medical Students Program since 2013. She presented her projects at the ISCORT annual meetings in both 2014 and 2015. She has additionally been published in The Journal of Radiotherapy in Practice, Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, and BMC Cancer.

Publications in PubMed
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